Welcome. Final times are here and hasn’t the 2023 season gone quickly?
When I speak about the clubs in general & 2023 in particular, how awesome our
league is. We have awesome club people, awesome team & individual achievements, and the
future ahead of us.
A huge thank you to those people without them the league would not survive – to
our sponsors who support us not only with funds but by promotion of the league
within the community, to the professional, passionate & dedicated club members who
take on committee roles, coaching, team managers & other volunteer roles putting in
so much time & effort.
I would like to thank the Wilson D C Farren recreation reserve committee for allowing
us to host this Saturdays Qualifying final and Old Collegians FNC for Sundays Elimination
final. We appreciate all the hard work that goes behind the scenes to get the ground
and court ready for some great games over this weekend.
This year the Canteen will be shared between Allansford FNC, Old Collegians
FNC and Russell’s Creek FNC. We thank them for stepping up and helping the
league during the finals.
We have Presentation Nights coming up in the next couple of weeks.
Junior Presentation night – Wannon room on Monday 21st August at 6.30pm.
Senior Presentation night – J. A. Esam Medal – Wannon room on Wednesday
30th August at 6.30pm with live streaming thanks to Fitz Media.
Thank you, Warrnambool Greyhound Racing Club. To the WDFUA and Club Football and
Netball umpires I thank you for your help during the season. To WDFUA it been a
tough year but thank you for your support. AFLWD, Jason Muldoon, WDFNL board
and Netball Subcommittee, I thank you for your efforts during the season.
Congratulations to all teams both football and netball this weekend.
Best of luck in the next couple of weeks.
Kylie Murphy
WDFNL President