Welcome to the Warrnambool and District Football Netball League 2024 Home and away season.
I trust that you and your families have enjoyed the off season and ready to play. Heading into my fifth year as WDFNL President I still enjoy the job. Of course, there are downs to the job, but the ups always override and gives me enjoyment in the role.
To the Board, thank you for your tireless hours of work behind the scenes, your friendship and for your support. To Donna Ellis who had to step down from the board late last year, we wish her all the best and hope to see her around the grounds. We would like to welcome Josh McMahon onto the board, He is very passionate about the role, and he will be a great addition. I’d like to encourage anyone with an interest to consider joining the board to get in touch with me, it is incredibly fulfilling role.
To Peter Martin, I’d particularly like to thank him for the years he was secretary. The friendship we made over the years will continue. I wish him all the best in the future. We welcome Mike Farrow as our new League secretary. He is also passionate about football and netball, and we welcome him to the league. His knowledge and experience will be an asset to the league.
Thankyou to the Netball Sub-committee for the work that you did last season, I wish you all the best this 2024 season. I would also like to welcome Anna Sanderson and Tanya Suggett to the netball sub-committee.
Our League Sponsors, I would like to say Thank you for your support during the past years and we look forward to continuing our relationship with you well into the future. The league and clubs cannot survive without our volunteers, members and supporters, and our dedicated committees, it’s a huge thank you to all of you.
Congratulations Club Presidents and your committee members on the hard work that you do in the off season, well done on getting your clubs ready for the 2024 season, not an easy task! Good Luck for the year.
To Jason Muldoon and the surrounding League presidents your support last year was greatly appreciated and look forward to working with you again this year.
I would like to take a moment to congratulate everyone who took home awards at the Junior and Senior Presentation Nights. Well done on your achievements. It was certainly great to be in the room for these nights but to also have the online Presentations done by Fitzmedia was Fantastic, and I thank them for their time and effort in putting it together.
Which brings us to proudly announce the WDFNL Game Day by Fitzmedia. We will be broadcasting one senior football game each week for all the supporters unable to watch the game live online. I thank Liam and his team for the effort that will be put into this production.
We have exciting times ahead for our football and netball juniors. There is netball try outs for the Western Region Netball Championships coming up. We hope to have 17’s 15’s and 13 represented. Good Luck everyone.
For the first time in a few years the Junior football carnival is trying to get up and going. We will be asking for clubs to send in 3-4 names from each club in the age groups – 11u, 14u and 17u football players. We are also chasing Expressions of interest for these coaching roles. It will be held on Sunday 5th May. Games will be played at Heathmere, Heywood and Portland. If you could please send through your expressions of interest to wdfnlsecretary@gmail.com
I take this time to also thank the WDFUA, and Club Football/netball umpires for their support to the league throughout the season and we wish you all the best this year.
Most importantly, please continue to stay safe and I look forward in seeing you around the grounds with your club members.
I wish you all the best for the season.
Kylie Murphy
WDFNL President
An action packed day of local community football and netball plus the WDFNL Falcon Traffic 100m Sprint. See you at the Reid Oval Warrnambool. Gates open at 7:30am
Don’t forget selected matches will be live streamed by FitzMedia